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Travel Blogs — Mediterranean travel blog

Turkish hammam experience is one of a kind

hamam hamam bowl hamam towel Hammam Hammam bowl hammam towel Mediterranean travel blog Peshtemal Pestemal Turkey travel blog Turkish bath Turkish hammam Turkish peshtemal towel Turkish towel

Turkish hammam experience is one of a kind

You have likely heard of the Turkish hammam even if you have not traveled to Turkey. Hammam is a unique public bath and has been a part of Turkish social culture for hundreds of years. 

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Where to find Europe's best beaches: Spain vs. Portugal

Beaches in Europe Mediterranean travel blog Portugal Portugal travel blog Spain Spain travel blog

Where to find Europe's best beaches: Spain vs. Portugal

This blog post is courtesy of Mark's travel journal posted by Sam Schuler

Spain and Portugal are two top vacation destinations in Europe with beautiful sandy beaches, a warm sunny climate and a low cost of living. 

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To Istanbul with love

Istanbul Mediterranean travel blog Turkey travel blog

To Istanbul with love

Late summer, 2014. My trip to Istanbul, the hometown I left to come to Montreal in 1995 and did not return after 1999. 15 years is a very long time for a growing city like Istanbul. So much had changed in 15 years. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to recognize my hometown but was not expecting to feel like a tourist which is exactly how I felt the first few days. My friends asked me if the change I observed after 15 years was positive or negative. I didn’t know how to answer! In terms of infrastructure,...

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From Barcelona to Shopping Blue

Barcelona Mediterranean travel blog Spain travel blog

From Barcelona to Shopping Blue

We go back to March 2007. It was 10 years ago, when I first had the idea of creating a Mediterranean store inspired by my trip to Barcelona. At that time, an online store would not even cross my mind! I thought wouldn’t it be nice if I opened a store on Saint-Denis in Plateau Mont-Royal, Montreal with products made in the Mediterranean, travel photos and decoration ideas from different corners of this region and make everyone visiting the store feel like they have traveled to the Mediterranean. I was so excited about my trip to Spain! It was my...

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